Monday, September 22, 2003
the opinions expressed here are mine, and mine alone. they are not the opinions of anyone or any company who employs me. they are not the opinions of my family, friends, roommates, pets, or vehicles. they are especially not your opinions. get your own opinions; these are mine.
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- avast! ye best be listenin' t'th' jolly rogers fo...
- them thar utahns can be funny, too, me hearties. ...
- arrr, this be a good quote here, matey from me a-w...
- arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr yearrrrgh, matey! enjoy yer tal...
- step away from the car, sir i had the most vivid d...
- iraqi girl power! river at baghdad burning has a v...
- convert the shuttle bob zubrin on what we could do...
- nasa has a vision, it's our nation that needs glas...
- equus much? i'm not entirely sure what to make of ...
- on to mars!: H.R. 3057 "To restore a vision for th...
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