Thursday, April 22, 2004
the opinions expressed here are mine, and mine alone. they are not the opinions of anyone or any company who employs me. they are not the opinions of my family, friends, roommates, pets, or vehicles. they are especially not your opinions. get your own opinions; these are mine.
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- new tech first, gmail. blogger, which is owned by...
- damn the man a short while ago, i was interviewed ...
- would you like fries with your irony? mcdonald's c...
- happy anniversary of spaceflight! today is the 43r...
- a message from al
- google copernicus center is hiring work for google...
- happy new year! -your friendly local april fish.
- sweet mother of fuck i woke up this morning to a s...
- technology never ceases to amaze me i love that i ...
- bunnies on mars my friend and cwa participant phil...
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