Thursday, October 02, 2003
the opinions expressed here are mine, and mine alone. they are not the opinions of anyone or any company who employs me. they are not the opinions of my family, friends, roommates, pets, or vehicles. they are especially not your opinions. get your own opinions; these are mine.
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Previous Posts
- wales swim with sharks go wales! this message br...
- make 'em laugh r.i.p., donald o'connor. "make 'em...
- number 37 i think i've actually said that. brough...
- private space race nears its climax excellent... t...
- the subpoenas are coming! an interesting article o...
- ar de ar ar arrrr some more random bar jokes, cour...
- fark does bar jokes: "a pirate walks into a bar wi...
- and rms said, let there be gnu it was 20 years ago...
- dogged engineer's effort to assess shuttle damage ...
- workweek causes climate fluctuations and i thought...
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