Saturday, February 07, 2004
the opinions expressed here are mine, and mine alone. they are not the opinions of anyone or any company who employs me. they are not the opinions of my family, friends, roommates, pets, or vehicles. they are especially not your opinions. get your own opinions; these are mine.
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Previous Posts
- life on mars... magnetosomal matrix: ultrafine str...
- mmmm... now i'm hungry for a muffin.
- europe joins the race for mars people on mars in 2...
- about that snow day yeeeeah.... not so much. but ...
- snow day? severe weather alert from the national w...
- nasa fy2005 budget is out this looks very good, ov...
- cwa makes denver post's top 100 venues we're numbe...
- hey nyquil driver it's 11:30, and everyone in my h...
- under pressure i feel like i have this massively i...
- sigur ros fan club muahahaha
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