so tired
i thought i was supposed to get more sleep over the winter holiday, not less. maybe next week will be more fruitful in the sleep department. that's what i get for signing up to work 40 hours/week over the holiday. went to an interesting housewarming party at dj franklin's house last night with drew, grailing, and kristin. spent most of the time trying to help kristin figure out where she knew this guy, mike, from. she still hasn't figured it out. franklin was running around the party with a one-gallon margarita glass (half full by the time we got there) at one point, and a forty of something godawful wrapped in a paper bag at another point. not what i expected from a party at franklin's house, but rather entertaining nonetheless. especially grailing's mix of sake and canned fruit cocktail. whew.
it definitely doesn't feel like christmas. usually, i'd be at my dad's in utah, and there'd be at least a bit of snow, and a christmas tree, and presents and all that. my roommate still hasn't put up his faux tree, although the ornaments have been sitting on the dining room table for weeks now. i do have a christmas present from my dad sitting in my room under a pile of stuff, and i got a little something from my uncle and his family, so that's good. i figure i'll probably go out clubbing to vinyl on christmas eve (if they're open), and then i signed up to work on christmas day. dj dan is playing at vinyl on the 28th, so i'll probably go to that, and the new year's eve plans are currently to go to vinyl again for bad boy bill, but kristin says that she knows of a party that might be worth attending. we shall see.
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