snoooooooooow daaaaaaaaaaay!
Tuesday, March 18, 2003
the opinions expressed here are mine, and mine alone. they are not the opinions of anyone or any company who employs me. they are not the opinions of my family, friends, roommates, pets, or vehicles. they are especially not your opinions. get your own opinions; these are mine.
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andy ihnatko
i, cringely
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Previous Posts
- holy productivity batman it's hard to blog properl...
- burger blech why do i always forget why i don't ea...
- ape one step up music retaliation ensemble is play...
- my dishwasher soap is pungent my ipod is on random...
- hey hey ho ho stupid anti-war chants are all stuck...
- i love it when a plan comes together this saturday...
- stuck in a closet with vanna white well, not quite...
- 1/27/67 - 1/28/86 - 2/1/03 apollo 1 - challenger -...
- 19860128T113800-0500 if you don't know what that d...
- up, up, and away we just launched our new satellit...
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